Saturday, November 3, 2018

Natural Storms

The authorities sounded a warning alarm about a potential storm. Even as weather people tracked the tornado moving from town to town, it felt hard to believe a tornado would touch down here. So we didn’t prepare by moving to the basement or following any of the precautions the weather people suggested. Instead we watched TV and waited. The tornado touch down deadline came and went and nothing happened—this time. We can ignore some warnings while others demand our immediate attention. Check out this attention-grabber:   

No one wants to be caught unprepared in a storm. Weather-related surprises only cause stress and anxiety. Once the weatherperson warns us days in advance about an impending storm, we have time to think about how to react and which safety precautions we need to take. Unfortunately, some of life’s storms happen overnight when we least expect them. What actions can you take now to deal with life’s storms?               

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