Monday, July 24, 2017

Naughty or Nice?

Based on our entertainment choices, it’s clear we’re preoccupied with monsters. One TV show features weird parasites that make us sick by invading our bodies. We watch movies about creatures assembled from dead body parts, and how under certain circumstances, we might be hiding a maniacal personality or even unleash our inner wolf. Then, underscoring everything, I spotted a decal on a car window that said, “vampire inside.” What does that mean?

Half the population believes people are basically good, while the other half thinks humans are predisposed to naughty behavior. Try to reconcile what you hear with what you see here:


Who taught him that? The evidence is obvious—or not. In your opinion, are humans naturally good or naughty? What’s your proof?

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Peaceful Power

I’m a pseudo-meteorologist. You probably don’t hear that confession very often.  My mother said that, as a child, I always asked about the weather conditions. At my house, my husband or kids seem to think I have the inside scoop on the weather. Almost daily one of them asks, “What’s the weather today?” and “How hot is it going to be?” Maybe it’s because they catch me listening to the forecast about twice a day, and more often when a big storm is predicted. I just like to be prepared for whatever comes.

Although I dread getting caught in bad weather, that’s exactly what happened last week. Driving home, a curtain of wind and rain slammed across the windshield. I don’t usually pull over during storms but the blinding rain obscured everything. I couldn’t see and I couldn’t pull over. The curvy road offered no shoulder for the faint – hearted. Fortunately only small branches littered the street and nothing fell into my path. After the storm, numerous split tree trunks testified to the storm’s strength.
A tornado‘s power is amazing, and one videographer managed to capture beauty amidst chaos. Take a look:
Despite a tornado’s massive size and destructive power, it can also create a majestic and tranquil scene. When you find yourself caught up in life’s storms, how do you reclaim peace? 

Modified from August 2011

Friday, July 7, 2017

Sketch of You


Once you’re familiar with someone, it’s easy to describe their eye color, their laugh, their funny habits, and their best traits. After recently receiving a loved one’s boxed ashes, the remains failed to convey anything about their owner. Our most important characteristics are captured in photos and conversations, tucked away in our hearts and minds. First impression don’t always provide authentic sketches of people—but sometimes they do. Check out these assessments:


The harder we work to create a positive first impression, the further we get from making one. In initial meetings, be yourself and you’ll connect with the right folks, but not everyone will see the real you and—have a seat for this part—not everyone will like or appreciate what they see. What’s the first impression you want people to form of you?