Saturday, September 13, 2014

Can I Help You?

Driving through the city one morning I spotted a young adult, possibly the father, brother, or uncle, of the grade school girl who trotted beside him. One detail about the pair made me smile. The little girl had a backpack, but she wasn’t carrying it. The guy carried the bag. Nothing unusual here except that he didn’t carry it in his hand. No, he had that girly, pink backpack firmly attached to his person, sporting it like he owned it. That’s lending a hand. Good for you, guy!      

Who hasn’t needed or provided help at some point? Circumstances dictate when and how help arrives. Giving and getting help often requires a sacrifice from the receiver and the giver. While the receiver might give up pride or control, the giver might sacrifice time, money, security, or something greater. Consider these sacrifices: 

Although I am unfamiliar with this specific organization, the video highlights an important topic. Make a decision and give family members your yea or nay.   

What sacrifices have you made and who has sacrificed something for you?


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