Saturday, January 30, 2016

To Infinity and Beyond

To Infinity and Beyond

 After a lot of hard work and planning, my sister-in-law opened her new business, Infinity Cycling Studio, this month. Part of the studio’s philosophy is “strive to surpass your personal limits, when you do, the possibilities are infinite!” So true! It was inspiring to watch Leeza’s successes build, one atop another, until her dream of a studio became real. We hear so much about the negative news stories, but it’s refreshing to hear how people dig in, push past obstacles, and reach for the stars. I always appreciate those kinds of stories. If you want an inspirational boost, watch this:


Limitations are obvious, but we push past them by focusing on our opportunities. You can see that the girl in the video has a great support group helping her take advantage of her infinite possibilities. What potential limitations have you spotted in your life, and what resources will help you live out your infinite potential?   

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Roads We Take

A tear across the top and a rip down the bag’s side exposed the chocolate squares inside. Our kids commented on how the bag looked damaged. I decided to confess. In my defense, if the scissors hadn’t disappeared from the drawer after the last school project, I would have used them to make a clean cut. But, while trying to open the most securely-packaged brand of chocolate, I reached for an alternative tool--a screwdriver. I had to open the bag because, after all, we are talking about chocolate. When we resort to haphazard shortcuts, life gets messy. Here’s one man’s perspective:


If we want good grades, we’ll spend time attending classes and studying hard. If we want healthy relationships, we’ll search for positive people who will be good friends. If I trudged upstairs to get the second pair of scissors instead of opening a bag with a screwdriver, there wouldn’t have been an issue.
When tempted to take a shortcut, what makes you take a longer or more difficult route?


Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Big Pay-Out

It is finished. The gifts are given, the lights and trees are gone. Christmas is over. This last billion-dollar-lottery was like a second holiday celebration. Conversations centered around the ticket holders’ wish lists. Excitement and anticipation filled the air. And just like that, they selected the winning number, three people won, and hopes plummeted. The mega-money dream ended.

Now we’re smack in the middle of January with the empty, gray skies and bitter cold. Okay, it’s not that cold, but you get the picture. What can we do to recapture our enthusiasm? Here’s a suggestion:


Three little words: appreciate the moment. It sounds like a simple idea, but it depends on what we’re living through right now. Regardless of whether we’re in a good or bad season, we’ll never experience this moment again. How can you begin living each moment to the fullest?ere’Here

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Hoping for a Miracle

Everyone’s dreaming about winning the biggest lottery jackpot in U.S. history. Interview people in ticket lines and they’ll list the kinds of cars, homes, and vacations they would buy, and how they would quit their jobs, retire, and donate money to relatives and friends, if they win. Are their dreams possible? The lottery bureau calculates a one in about three hundred million chance of winning. It’s safe to say the majority of people standing in long lines to buy a lottery ticket won’t see the money. Still, they stand, hoping for a chance at a new life. This lady has hopes, too:


 Hope is a powerful force with two different sources. Our hopes rest either on firm beliefs or doubtful fairy tales.What are you hoping for and which kind of hope is it?          

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Regardless of what happened in 2015, it’s history. Time for a clean start. Reflect on what you  want in the new year and develop a plan to get it. Looking for higher grades? Be discipline by studying harder, and finding a tutor, or a study group. Want a raise? Put in the hours, get along with co-workers, and suggest cost-cutting ideas. Craving contentment? Live a balanced life with healthy eating, regular exercise, appropriate sleep, and add in time for family, friends, and spiritual rejuvenation. 
 It’s a new year. Try new foods, hobbies, classes, sports, and vacation spots. Expand your horizons and be open to fresh possibilities. Be daring. Maybe not this level of daring:


Pretty interesting! It’s fine to try new experiences, but what makes some people chose unusual paths? I often wonder what drives the skydivers, the cliff-jumpers, and the shark swimmers. We all draw mental lines in the sand that we won’t cross. When presented with a new experience, what factors make it a no-go for you?