Saturday, January 2, 2016


Regardless of what happened in 2015, it’s history. Time for a clean start. Reflect on what you  want in the new year and develop a plan to get it. Looking for higher grades? Be discipline by studying harder, and finding a tutor, or a study group. Want a raise? Put in the hours, get along with co-workers, and suggest cost-cutting ideas. Craving contentment? Live a balanced life with healthy eating, regular exercise, appropriate sleep, and add in time for family, friends, and spiritual rejuvenation. 
 It’s a new year. Try new foods, hobbies, classes, sports, and vacation spots. Expand your horizons and be open to fresh possibilities. Be daring. Maybe not this level of daring:


Pretty interesting! It’s fine to try new experiences, but what makes some people chose unusual paths? I often wonder what drives the skydivers, the cliff-jumpers, and the shark swimmers. We all draw mental lines in the sand that we won’t cross. When presented with a new experience, what factors make it a no-go for you?   

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