Saturday, March 9, 2019

Grabbing Your Peace

Young people enjoy constant movement and entertainment—in short—non-stop fun. As a child, Sundays shut down my neighborhood. Occasionally, an adult crept from their front door into their car, but the kids stayed hidden, and the streets empty. During the winter, you might have heard melting snow. Silence ruled the day. Bored and restless, it was my most least favorite day of the week. 

Flash forward several decades and I’m loving my Sundays. I enjoy the pausing, the exhaling, and the napping, and group naps add to the fun. Picture several family members watching TV as the cat nestles nearby. Before long, everyone’s snoozing while the world’s cares drift away. And that’s the thing. Sunday’s a time for relaxing and casting aside worries. We’d be wise to do it before this happens: 

 We often go-go-go when we’re made to go-sleep-repeat. We’re not designed to constantly push through fatigue, and ignoring our natural make-up results in illness, not peace. Along with napping, how else would you spend a restful Sunday?      

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