Sunday, February 10, 2019

Stranger Things

Last week someone mentioned Y2K, the hysterical entry into the 2000s when experts wondered if the new year would cause our technology to go haywire because computers might confuse the 00 in 2000 with 1900. Not sure about you, but it feels like we’ve entered another hysterical period where everything we expect, things that used to feel normal, feel off-kilter. For instance, the weather is wacky and temperatures feel like a car’s speedometer zipping from zero to sixty. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, the world feels stranger than it has in the past. We find the strangest conspiracy theories on the web. Is this one of them?

Who knows the source of the sound? Some scientists attribute the noise to sound waves, others say it’s from underground construction. Imagine it’s a warning to hurry up and complete your most important tasks. Given that warning, what kinds of things should you do now?    

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