I’m going. No, wait. Turn back! Go now. Freeze! That’s squirrel-thought. You’ve seen them, those cute, bushy-tailed creatures that waiver between coming and going in the center of the street, paralyzed in the face of danger. What are they thinking? Why don’t they just keep going?
They’re like us sometimes. Fear can paralyze us when we need to make big decisions, tackle the unknown, or try a potentially dangerous endeavor. What motivates a squirrel to risk life and limb to want to cross the road?
Speaking of mammals, what about those Navy SEALs? Every so often, we hear tales of how our military elite accomplish a dangerous assignment. Their training involves grueling calisthenics, strength exercises, and underwater feats designed to push a solider past the fear factor and the limits of ordinary people. What drives a person to want Navy SEAL status and what can we learn from their incredible efforts? Have a listen:
Modified from 1/2012
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