Friday, June 30, 2017

Eyes Wide Open

You’ve heard of tasks being easy enough to do with your eyes closed. That’s true for knitting or folding clothes, but for other activities, keep your eyes wide open. For instance, when walking on a treadmill at the gym, the repetitive motion of putting one foot in front of the other can lull you into a daze. You might even feel comfortable enough to close your eyes for a few seconds. Don’t do it! Believe me, you  want to keep your hands on the treadmill’s handrails and your eyes wide open. Here’s what could happen when you close your eyes:    


There’s a big difference between thinking you’re on the right path and actually being on the right path. This is true for many aspects of life. Once we close our eyes, we’re liable to end up in an unexpected place. If you’ve ever closed your eyes to a situation, what was the outcome?   

Saturday, June 24, 2017

That’s What You Like?

One of our kids dislikes vegetables. This week, I heard a surprising comment about a particular fruit, one that we’ve been buying for years. Apparently, now blueberries are the enemy. In fact, our vegetable-intolerant child called them “sweet peas.” Nice. No wonder we have seven boxes of blueberries in the fridge. I’m hoping fruit preferences change soon, but in the meantime, we’d better find a few blueberry recipes. Whatever we dislike today could very well become our favorite thing tomorrow. One day, these guys may grow to love this:    


Some of these items were foreign to me, too, but refer to last week’s blog post for my overall perspective. It takes time to adapt to new tastes, and as time passes, our preferences change. Think about something you dislike. Can you see yourself growing to like and appreciate it in the future?  

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Secret Life

I enjoy most international foods, but I love Indian food. Whenever we visit an Indian restaurant or get take-out, I get a little euphoric inhaling the curry and cumin  seasonings. Anticipating the delicious flavors turns my eyes into swirly spirals like a animated character. Bet you didn’t know Indian food brought that kind of joy.  

Look closely and you’ll find joyful moments in unexpected places. We look for it in major events, but it’s often found in life’s small spaces. Try to appreciate little moments, like this one:


We think we need a lot of money and resources to be happy. Not true. We just have to appreciate the special moments that come our way every day. What’s the one joy-filled moment that cost you nothing?     

Sunday, June 4, 2017

One Day at a Time

Once we think we understand a situation is the moment the surprising, true facts emerge.  As the school year draws to a quick close, one of our kids commented how time flew and that school should continue for at least another month. What? By June, most students, parents, and teachers yearn for the end of the long routine. Throughout the year, our child complains about studying and school-related inconveniences that interrupt web-surfing and other important activities, so it was bewildering to hear a call for more school days. Time is a peculiar thing, and our perspective of it changes depending on who (or what) we are and where we stand. Have a listen:       


No wonder flies escape us so easily and so often. Imagine how life would change if we perceived time differently. Even now, dangerous close calls demonstrate how our reaction times can make the difference between life and death. What situation is moving too fast for you right now, and what would you do now if you knew you would run out of time this week?