Saturday, May 13, 2017

That's What You Want?

The other day someone said to me, “in my time zone…,” which sounded puzzling since we live in the same neighborhood. Basically, they meant to say, “according to my clock” because they set it fifteen minutes fast. Lots of people do that. If those people joined together, they might try to establish a new time zone, a subcategory within the Eastern Standard zone. It feels like we’re moving in that direction. Believe and do whatever you want. The current climate says if it’s okay with me, it should be fine with you. See how you feel about this:


We’re faced with tons of issues and just as many solutions. Some ideas will work, but other ones will waste our time, generating pointless arguments and dead-end alleys. How do you avoid conflict when someone else's opinion differs from your viewpoint?   

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