Friday, August 29, 2014

Lazy Or Not, Here We Go

It’s time! We’ve heard the commercials and purchased the school supplies. Students, tired of lounging around, want a change of pace. I can see the summer slipping away. I think I saw brown leaves the other day. Regardless of whether you or someone you know plans to attend classes in the fall, September feels like a time for new beginnings. It will require a change in schedule, habits, and/or mindset. Here’s a little insight on the days to come:   


 Changing habits can be challenging. No wonder we plod around like zombies during those first few weeks of September. I’m considering joining a gym, which should increase my exercise schedule from zilch to healthier. I’m not eager to start, but it’s time. During this next season what habit do you plan to add or subtract from your life? 


sharon said...

That was one of the most profitable videos I've seen in a long time. It ranks higher than all the chick flicks I've watched in my lifetime!
I have much to think about. Could this be why my teenagers lay around so much? hmmmmm.....
Well, the next question to answer would do we grow in self-control? Or, how do we increase our energy? hmmmmm...

Bethanie said...

I tend to believe that 98% of those called lazy are exhausted, demoralized,unconfident...the list goes on. We have to dig deeper for the underlying cause. Self-control would solve a multitude of problems. We can get that by practicing self-control one day at a time, but we also need a Helper.

Bethanie said...

Thanks for posting, Sharon.