we arrived early for a school play, we waited in the parking lot and listened
to music on the radio for a few minutes. We talked and waited some more when suddenly
our youngest child hopped over to the empty back seat and announced, “I’m
taking a time-out. Being human is hard.” Huh? My husband and I exchanged looks.
What’s that mean? Actually, there is a lot of truth in it and our culture
recognizes it, too. Consider Hollywood’s fascination with monsters in movies. Classic
characters like werewolves, vampires, mummies, and zombies are all examples of
humans gone haywire. Hollywood often depicts monsters as warped human beings with
uncontrollable urges to act out in horrible ways. Here’s a monster who channeled
that impulse in a different direction:
video shows good ole David Banner (played by Bill Bixby) caught up in another
dilemma. He was a nice guy, except when he got angry, and you’d get one warning
before his alter ego showed up. He’d say, “You wouldn’t like me when I’m
angry.” He was right because green coloring coupled with a bad attitude is
never a good combination for a muscled monster. In spite of his frequent temper
tantrums, even the Incredible Hulk had a compassionate side. Some scientists
believe humans are inherently good, while others believe we’re innately bad.
What do you say and why?