Friday, June 3, 2011

And Then We Will Change

It’s that time of the year again—and so bittersweet—as graduates of all levels move on to the next phase of life. I’m certain that someone you know is graduating from somewhere. Count the number of times you’ll say, “Seems like just yesterday….” I get nostalgic thinking about these changes. That's when I like to gaze at old pictures of the graduate pretending to be a teacher, a ballerina, a superhero or a famous wrestler.  
Here’s a song that seems to echo the sentiments of this time of the year. Close your eyes and listen for a bit.

Ms. Vaughn has quite a voice.  You’ll hum that tune for at least a week.
Although my children won’t graduate for some time, one of them decided to do a thorough bedroom cleaning, actually it resembled a purging. We ended up giving away an art set, markers, books and games, and the whole time I kept asking, “Are you sure you don’t want that?” and “You’re not using these anymore?” Feeling a little sad by the end of the process, I felt like shouting, “Don’t grow up so fast!”
While I often wish that all of us aged more slowly, from a broader perspective, I’m actually a proponent of change. I’m a been-there-done-that-so-what’s-next kind of person. Change can be great—once we get used to it. In spite of my tiny tendency to complain about new formats, instructions and procedures, (and by the way, why did the U.S. mint change the coin designs?), I try to embrace opportunities to venture into new territory. What about you?
Surprising things can happen from a few minor changes. What personal changes will you make in your life this year?      

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