Driving down Main St. and seeing rows of closed businesses, non-working traffic lights, and long lines of cars inching through town made me feel like a visitor in an abandoned town.
A huge, powerful storm and the lightening that accompanied it left part of Lansdale unplugged and powerless. No phones, no lights, no air conditioning, no computers—and for business owners—no sales. Buildings, however, remained intact and after a good long wait, power was restored. After this brief, inconvenient outage, merchants could anticipate sales on the following day.
Compare our situation to victims in the Heartlands and Southern states where monster storms left scores of towns with almost nothing. The news showed pictures of commercial buildings flattened and scattered, and residents facing ruined businesses and livelihoods. Over the last several weeks, the impact of tornados in states like Missouri gives unplugged and powerless a whole new meaning. Check out a video that captures the devastation.
It’s difficult to imagine how we would respond if our homes and jobs disappeared overnight. We experienced a tiny bit of what a devastating storm can do. Thank goodness it wasn’t worse. How did you fare in this last storm and what is your general attitude in the face of adversity? Be honest. Are you generally thankful or unthankful in dark and trying times—but more importantly—why?