Sunday, April 30, 2017

Not Going There

Earlier this week, while driving my normal route, I found the main ramp to the highway closed for repairs. Trusting GPS to get back on track, I followed the directions and found myself in the shady side of town. But, after a few turns, I was back to familiar territory.  Getting sidetracked can be annoying or worse since there’s always the opportunity for adventure or dangers. Take a look at this:


Have you wondered what could happen in this kind of situation? The agency puts layers of precautions in place for protection, but if anyone fails to follow directions, a “floater’s” fate isn’t pretty.  

We all need safety measures in place for when we feel off track. Rescue missions come in all forms. If you began floating from your normal routines, heading in a dangerous direction, what type of rescue mission would put you back on course?

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sign of the Times

When it’s time to wake up, some people drink coffee, others might drink coke. While driving behind a garbage truck early one morning, the vehicle’s rear lights flashed brightly enough to trigger seizures. That woke me up. It seemed like overkill because it wasn’t nighttime, the truck wasn’t pausing, and given their enormous size, no one’s going to overlook them on the road. A jolt to the system will usually revive you. See if this wakes you up:


We’re in the midst of many new technologies and advances. They’re popping up so fast it’s difficult to keep up or even debate their long-term implications before they’re put into practice. Anything created for good has the potential to do harm. What issue have you been sleeping on, but realize it’s time to wake up and take action?                       

Friday, April 14, 2017

Breaking the Box

You know it’s spring when your lowered car window allows you to enjoy music from  cars in the next lane. This week, while driving through the city, I heard what sounded like Rap music drifting from the vehicle. What was the driver’s ethnicity? Right. An Asian man. How old was the driver? Right. About thirty years old. What kind of car did he drive? Right. A Lexus. Maybe you missed most of those answers. I usually picture middle-aged people owning luxury cars. We can easily stick people in boxes if we  guess who they are or assume we know their preferences based on our predispositions. See if this surprises you:   


 It surprised and entertained me. If we assume a Catholic person is going to behave in a particular way, then we’re limiting our thoughts, and maybe our treatment, of them. Have you ever been prejudged? Try to fill in this sentence: Just because I _________, doesn’t mean I _______________. Have you ever prejudged someone else? What mischaracterization have you made, but will avoid in the future?     

Saturday, April 8, 2017

It's Water Under the Bridge

We enjoyed incredible weather earlier this week. Although forecasters predicted terrible rain and thunderstorms, we saw morning clouds, followed by beautiful sunshine. What if every day could end that way? Last week, an invisible, unexplained bubble of protection kept my friend dry as the sound of pelting rain echoed throughout a parking lot. It’s always wonderful experience to feel protected in the middle of a storm. Imagine living here:

These days we never know when an unprecedented storm will blow though, flooding, toppling, and disrupting the important pieces of our lives. It pays to find the best possible protection for housing, insurance, health, and every aspect of life. What’s your best advice for weathering life’s storms?