A couple of months ago, I spotted a terrible sight on a busy expressway
nicknamed “The Surekill.” A car, traveling about four vehicles ahead of me, crashed
into the concrete median and popped up into the air. Within seconds, the driver
regained control of the car, and stopped in the left hand lane, with
significant front-end damage. As several other drivers negotiated around the
wreckage, I got stuck behind it and watched the elderly driver emerge from the accident uninjured. He indicated that another
car had switched lanes and cut him off.
How unfortunate. While the aggressive driver zoomed away
scot-free, this elderly man faced a huge repair bill. We never can tell what the
day will bring. The best we can do is to expect the unexpected. Watch the major
surprise one young lady received:
What a perfect finish to a great day! It’s hard to tire of those
videos, especially when we consider the sacrifices made. With May less than a month away, expect to see more surprises like that
one. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be part of the fun. What’s the best surprise you’ve
ever received?