Saturday, February 25, 2012

Name Your Revolution

Do you feel like we’re living in the midst of several revolutions? Listen to the news. Everyone’s revolting against a social issue, an economic program or a political party. People in Middle Eastern countries rally for new governments and in America we have Occupy (name your city). We haven’t seen this much unrest since the flower children of the sixties when they turned on, tuned in and dropped out and let’s not forget the marches and sit-ins that followed. Change is a popular, everybody wants it.   

During my college years, almost every spring our student body found an issue to protest. Like clockwork a group would rise up with a cause to champion and then out would come the tents, signs and large collections of demonstrators blocking pathways and chaining classroom building doors. It certainly kept things interesting. I guess we should expect that kind of behavior from a group of determined thought-leaders bent on impacting the college and the culture.

I bet we all think the world would be a better place if everyone shared our views. Check out this video and see if you agree with these suggestions on how to improve the world.

Sometimes a non-peaceful uprising is necessary to improve a social or political situation, but not always. Step one involves standing up for something you believe in. One person can make a huge impact on the world. Find the courage to introduce an issue and go for it! What do you have a passion to change? What’s the name of your peaceful  revolution?  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Found It?

We’ve been found. Not that were hiding or anything but about five years ago a cute little kitten showed up at our back door and the rest, as they say, is history. The surprise is that I NEVER thought that I would own a cat. Kids will do that to you. But, in defense of our pet, I have to say our cat is fun to have around and very similar to dog, in a good way.  She’s smart, she keeps us company and she half-fetches. “The half” means we throw the ball, she runs after it—and then we have to retrieve it ourselves to throw it again.

Last week our cat wriggled out of her collar. Instead of finding it in plain view like we usually do, it took us about three days to locate it. She had tucked the collar at the far end of our oldest child’s closet. What’s she trying to tell us?

 I suppose our kitty likes living with us. She’s a house cat so I don’t foresee her searching for another owner anytime soon.  She may not even realize that she lives a pretty comfortable life. She’s safe from cars and predators, has enough food and can enjoy several cozy sleeping spots. But sometimes I wonder if she longs to prowl the neighborhood like the cats she watches from our window. It’s easy to believe that someone else’s situation is better than our own. How many of us feel content with our present circumstances?  Perhaps this U2 performance captures the attitude of our times: (lyrics)         

Can you relate to this song? Before we find something, we need to know what we’re seeking. What have you searched for? Are you still looking or have you found it?  


Saturday, February 11, 2012

At What Cost?

What’s the biggest, scariest bug you’ve ever seen? There are several countries I prefer not to visit because they grow their bugs large. One day I went to dump the trash out, but when I approached our entrance to go back inside, I saw it. On the front door hung a huge, scary bug essentially blocking my path and holding me hostage. Trapped! Once I finally summoned enough courage to move within a few feet of the door—I kid you not—the bug turned its head and looked at me. I could even see its eyes. My first thought was, “It’s watching me and it knows I’m here!” Creeeepppy!

During that time we were living in a big apartment complex.  I spotted a “neighbor” and signaled for at him to come over. I assumed he lived in the complex, too (there’s a lesson here somewhere). The man surveyed the situation.  I’m pretty sure he thought the bug was a biggie because when it moved, he jumped and he just didn’t tackle it with guns a-blazing like I had envisioned.  Did I feel slightly silly making a big deal over an insect and calling on a stranger for help? A little, but not so much after seeing this video:

Yes. That’s what trapped me outside—a preying mantis.  During a fight, they look like they’re strategizing, thinking and patiently waiting for right moment to attack. Don’t underestimate them. In this video, the snake underestimated the preying mantis and almost paid for it with its life.  Clearly, the preying mantis underestimated the snake’s determination to wiggle itself free. Who or what have you underestimated and at what cost?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fire Power

I’m a chicken. Here ’s why:  I love it when we warm up the house with a blazing fire inside the fireplace on wintry days, but I pass on lighting them. So, when I say we, I actually mean my husband.  I’ll add logs to keep the fire burning but as for starting a hot, three-hundred degree house-warmer from scratch—not me.

Fire mesmerizes some people to the point that they’re drawn to it. You probably know people who hold their fingers over the flame to see how close they can get without injuring themselves (is that you?). Others stick their fingers directly into flames to see if they can pass through the fire and not get burned. Do they do it for the thrill?        

Fire is a powerful element. You’ve heard stories about how fires can smolder undetected for awhile and suddenly re-ignite or how flames can leap across roads. Fire can do weird things. I’m sure many firemen have harrowing stories about flash overs and back drafts.  Fire captivates people with its flickering red and orange flames, and the volcano is the ultimate demonstration of fire’s power in nature. Take a look:

After taking that kind of risk, that guy gives the saying “to the edge and back” a new perspective. Regardless of whether or not fire intrigues you, you have to respect its power.  Our society relishes power; either we seek it for ourselves or we’re fascinated by those who do.  Whose power or what kind of power fascinates you?