Monday, February 28, 2011

Mutiny At My House

Last week we had family time around the television.  My husband had the remote.  Let’s just say that even with several hundred channels, it’s not easy to find Sunday night shows that please the entire family.  We do enjoy Food Network’s Worst Cooks in America.  We also watched part of Family Game Night on the Hub.  That’s a fun show that includes kids as part of the competition.  Then later on, we discovered Infested.  That show was about a family whose property, inside and out, had a MAJOR ant problem! 
After that, the television choices took a nose dive.  Once my channel-surfing hubby flipped on The Three Stooges, somebody (hmm, was it me?) suggested that a mutiny might be necessary to recover the remote.   The Three Stooges was one thing, but when the next show came on—enough already!  The kids were mortified and we launched a remote revolt!  The kids tackled my husband’s arms and legs and and I grabbed the coveted remote.  Take a look at the show that caused a mutiny at my house:

Not only did my hubby make the mistake of switching to Hee Haw, but he had started singing the songs!  He has a great memory for music; he can sing old jingles and introductions to TV show from decades ago.  If you're not familiar with it, Hee Haw is a country music variety show from 19-too-far-back.  Oh sure, the kids like Wild Kingdom and Animal Planet, but in an era of DisneyRadio, Hee Haw is a real flash from the past.  One of the kids yelled, “He tried to make us watch a farm show!”   It’s not exactly a farm show, but it does include its fair share of cornstalks, hay, and overalls.   There’s nothing wrong with farm shows per se, but today’s TV programming is soooo different.   Hee Haw often reminds me of the 1930’s painting, American Gothic (think pitchfork), by Grant Wood which actually has an interesting history.    
Hey, we all have different tastes—and that’s OK.  Wouldn’t life be a boring if everyone liked the same things?  So, the question of the day is: Which one of your favorite television shows mortifies your friends and family and keep it clean, people!                   

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is Change A Comin'?

Are you looking for a change?  I think we're all looking for one, be it political, economic, or maybe just a small change in daily life.   
Nowadays, it seems everyone supports  a social cause or issue like protecting the environment or the unborn, eradicating hunger or homelessness, curing breast cancer or Multiple Sclerosis.  The realist in me knows we’ll never have a perfect world, but the idealist in me wonders why we can’t try to come close.
We’ll only make progress by tackling problems one step at a time.  So, let’s try a social experiment.  We can’t eliminate crime overnight, but how about if we pledge to drive at the speed limit—brace yourself—for three days.    Was that a groan?   The interesting thing is that someone is thinking, “No way!”  (Was that you ?) It’s as if we’re suggesting breaking the law rather than following it!  Let’s not forget to encourage the people on the phone who get distracted (it’s still legal here) and drive under the speed limit to participate, too. 
Just think, if we continued our little social experiment  for a whole year, instead of giving out speeding tickets, law enforcement might have to get some ideas from this prank:

So, remember: drive at the speed limit for three days and report back to us about your experience.  You can do it!!   Ready? Set? GO!!   

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

They Did What!?

Have you seen this video before? If so, I doubt that you can watch it again without smiling.  Never seen it? You’re in for a real treat.  Take a look!

If you’re like me, you’re thinking, “What in the world?!”  The choir looks hypnotized, and how does the choir director keep from laughing?  Certainly, you’ll never hear ‘Hammer Time’ the same way again!   Can you picture your grandma or grandpa singing with this group?
A social networking buddy posted this video on a wall awhile ago, but over the past few weeks I've been wondering why these choir members would create this kind of video. Well, I fished around and learned some things.
Here’s the scoop:
The choir made this video to give an attention-grabbing introduction to a Student Fall Weekend Retreat.  It also became a good lesson on media choices and helped bridge the generational gap between the choir members and the students. Now the video makes so much more sense.  Still, I can’t imagine any seniors that I know willing to go viral with this type of performance.  Kudo’s to the choir for reaching the younger generation.  We could use more “gap-bridging” in this world. 
By the way , the video says the choir will perform at weddings, banquets and other events.  That's probably a joke, but if not, would you book them?  I wouldn't mind seeing more of them.  How about you?  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Big Bowl 2011 - The Other One

Did you see it?  This time we are talking about the 2011 Super Bowl.  I’m not exactly the world’s biggest football fan, but who doesn’t look forward to seeing some of the year’s most creative and expensive commercials ($3 million, whew!). If they’re going to be that expensive, they had better be good!
I had a few favorite commercials from the game, but the specific details are sketchy now, hmmm, perhaps their promotional money wasn’t so well-spent.  One of the ones I do remember is short—that always helps.  Check it out:

The guy with the chips missed the big tip-off after his co-worker whispered in his ear.  That was the signal to leave the break-room.  Why  doesn't the guy go buy his own bag?  Have you ever bought something to eat and your friend eats more of it than you do?  
Anyway, the chips are pretty good.  I’m not defending the finger-sucker, but what ARE you supposed to do with all of that cheesy, powdery goodness that's left on your fingers?  Hide it from creepy co-workers, apparently.  
Personally, I like most crunchy snacks, (pita chips, yum!) but I keep it under control, usually. The question is:  Do you know someone with a particular food obsession? What outrageous lengths to they go to keep it (hiding?) or eat it?  Come on, tell us. We can keep a secret….

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Big Bowl 2011

It happened again this year.  If things continue as they are, perhaps it won’t happen next year.  Plenty of fans would be upset. Would you be one of them?  No, we’re not talking about the Super Bowl, we’re talking about Philadelphia’s annual Wing Bowl.  Was it ever a nice free event with humble beginnings, like an innocent country fair competition to entertain the whole family?  Today’s Wing Bowl is a far cry from  your grandma’s pie eating contest.

As a matter of fact, this Wing Bowl thing’s been gnawing  at me for over a year.  CBS health news blogwriter, Neil Katz reported that the 2011 winner, Jon “Super” Squib, ate a wing bowl record 255 chicken wings for an estimated 40,000 calories.  What makes 26 men compete to consume that much food?  Competition is a big thing going back to Romans gladiators and all, but chicken wings?  To bump up the excitement, the event includes the Wingettes—scantily dressed… er…clad women who cheer on the festivities and, I’m not sure of their full roles… .  Hmmm, those stadium stands look pretty full.  Sure, some people took off, but how many called out sick from work?      
For me, the really gnawing part is multiplying 26 men, eating an average of  100 wings.  We’re talking over 2,000 wings, that’s a lot of food. There have to be homeless people in Philly who could benefit from a hot meal.  I don’t know, maybe it’s just crazy to get between a serious competitor and a chicken wing. 
The 19th annual Wing Bowl has come and gone.  What do you think? Has the Wing Bowl become too over-the-top or is it still harmless fun, hurting no one?            

Friday, February 4, 2011

About This Blog

I'll admit it. I'm something of an armchair psychologist with nothing but a B.A. in psychology (maybe that just makes me a people-watcher?) and a general nature that leans toward analyzing people.  Don't you constantly wonder what makes people act and say the things they do?

Welcome to The Inside Revolution where we'll look at new stories, communities and culture and discuss what internal battles cause us and others to do the crazy things we do.

In this blog we're certain to meet some interesting characters and then ask one another that all-important question: 
                                                     What were they thinking?!

My motto: On any given day, expect just about anything from anybody.  So, strap yourself in!  The ride is about to begin... .